Saturday, February 9, 2013

Feeling Lonely

Even though I'm surrounded by people I feel empty left out and very lonely... I know I'm not the  only person who feels this way.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Runescape is an online game that millions of people across the globe play. I've played Runescape since 2009 and I've found that the more you play it the harder it is to stop playing. You can join a clan or create your own clan. Personally a great clan to join is the Royal Pains (that's the clan I joined a great group of people). This clan helps each other. Anyway, check Runescape see if ya like it and if ya join be sure to drop by in clan chat.!!! My username is Smashley32 message me when ya can!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. Many people complain about how their life is hard yet I know people who have a harder life.
Life is a roller coaster you think you're done then the ride begins again you think it'll get better but it gets worse and when you think it's the end it gets better we make choices that later on we regret we do stupid things we're human though we make mistakes we mess up but we move on and enjoy life we forgive we hate we fight but we still love we do stupid things we pretend to be happy when deep down most of us are drowning in pain and sorrow we're selfish we're arrogant we're kind we're loving and most of all we're caring a song i love said we are glass and we are truly glass we shatter but we pick up the pieces after we shatter another song said keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart never give up the sky is the not the limit there is no limit
This was a post i did on Facebook the other day. I think it shows plenty of stuff about life.